As your 1-year-old Cane Corso celebrates his one-year birthday We take a look at the milestones that they should have hit, and the ones that are coming up.

At one year old, a 1-year-old Cane Corso is nearing the close of their first year of puppyhood. However, they've got some emotional and physical development to complete and the job of training them isn't done at all!

Beautiful Hercules transforms completely from a newborn puppy to a young adult in this clip. We'll learn what milestones he's attained.

One-year-old Cane Corso

The Cane Corso called King Corso (also known as Italian Mastiff), is a stunning dog that was originally bred to guard the property, but is most likely to be used as a pet with a lavish lifestyle nowadays. If you happen to meet the Corso at their first birthday but you're not seeing the final dog. They're on the verge of becoming an adult and it's an exciting moment!

One-year-old Cane Corso size

Instead of defining the upper and lower weight limit for an ideal Cani Corsi, the Cane Corso breeder California's standard simply states the weight of puppies should be proportional in relation to height. We know from reports of owners that a mature Cane Corso weighs between 85-100lbs when they're female and between 100-115lbs for males. When they turn one, Cani Corsi is usually only a fraction of their height at the end of their adulthood.

However, they've only reached approximately 90 percent of their final body weight. Actually, they could appear to be a bit like teenage gangsters. This is a good thing, as the age of 12 months is in the adolescent stage for a dog of this size. In the coming months, they'll gain weight with muscle and add another 10lbs or so during the process.

Other factors that affect the Cane Corso's adult size include birth weight and the size of the litter. The puppies that are smaller and have many siblings are more likely to grow into smaller dogs. But this is just a generalization. There are plenty of Cane Corso owners who will say that their dog is one exception!

When does Cani Corsi cease to grow?

The majority of Cane Corso dogs attain their maximum adult weight at approximately 15 months of age. Continue to weigh them frequently following their first birthday and keeping a basic chart of their results is the most effective way to tell when they've lost their growth. The majority of vets have scales within their waiting room, which you are able to visit and use for no cost. Many pet stores have scales that are free to use. The weights at which their growth levels start will give you an idea of the ideal adult weight to use in the future.

Cane Corso size chart

It is also possible to inquire with your breeder if they kept records of their growth for the dogs that were part of their breeding lines, and also when they had finished expanding. Be aware that while the Cane Corso size chart based on average values can be useful, however, each dog will be following their own particular path.