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A Bodyguard Breed: A Guide to the Cane Corso

 It is believed that the Cane Corso is a large breed that draws attention due to its strong body and stunning appearance. As with many large breeds, Cane Corsos look intimidating however they have a warm and gentle nature. Their size and dedication are what make Cane Corsi an excellent guard dog. Explore the breed's history from its beginnings and discover how you can take charge of Cane Corso now.

Ancient Lineage

The mastiffs that bred the Cane Corsi were bred to serve as Guard dogs in past Greece in the words of the American Kennel Club (AKC). They were part of the Roman Empire and eventually took these dogs back to Italy in the form of cross-breeding with other breeds of dogs. In time the breed was given numerous jobs, ranging from guard duties to herding and hunting.

World War I and World War II destroyed both the Cane Corso number in Italy. A lot of dogs were abandoned after men went off to fight and many were killed in the conflict. A few of the breeds remained in isolated areas of the nation and later returned to the breed with the help of people who admire the breed.

Cane Corso roughly translates as " guardian dog" in Latin and is an appropriate name for this loyal dog. The AKC officially accepted Cane Corsi into its working group in the year 2010.

Physical Specifications: Big and powerful

Cane Corsi are huge dogs that often tip the scales over 100 pounds. The muscular bundles look elegant and strong with their long legs and large serious, tough faces. Cane Corsi typically feature a cropped ear as well as docked tails. They can be monochrome colors like black, red, and grey. They also can sport coats of brindle patterns and black, or gray, with white flecks on their skins.

A Loyal Breed

It is believed that the Cane Corso is an extremely affectionate dog that forms strong bonds with its owners. This bond is what makes them eager to please. However, you are likely to see an individual streak within this breed of Cane Corso Puppies. It is essential to be calm and steady while training this breed. Although big and bulky, a Cane Corso is able to be gentle through proper socialization.

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